Dr. Ann Sin Nga LAU

Email: annsnlau@cuhk.edu.hk


Assistant Dean (Health Sciences Education), CU Medicine

Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) and Principal Lecturer, School of Biomedical Sciences, CU Medicine

Ann Sin-Nga Lau, is currently the Assistant Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Medicine and the Co-Director of the CUHK Centre for Bioethics. She is also the Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) and Principal Lecturer in the School of Biomedical Sciences, and the Director of BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme at CUHK. She received her BSc (Biology) and PhD (Molecular Endocrinology) from HKU, with her doctoral training at the Population Council, Centre for Biomedical Research (CBR) at Rockefeller University. With her biomedical sciences background, Ann has expanded her interest to medical and biomedical sciences education, which further advanced into education leadership and management. She is a member of the medical bioethics pioneer teaching team at CUHK and is currently leading the bioethics curriculum review. Through education and public engagement, she has the ambition to raise student and public awareness of the ethical challenges facing the advances in biotechnology and medicine.


In addition to bioethics education, Ann has a broad teaching interest ranging from human genetics, endocrinology, reproductive biology, to specialized topics like disorders of sex development (DSDs) and gender identity issues. She is the Leader of CUHK eLearning Community of Practice (eLearning CoP) on virtual reality (VR) as an emerging education technology, the Principal and Co-investigators of education or teaching and learning development projects worth over US$5 million covering virtual reality and metaverses in education, courseware development, peer-assisted learning, interprofessional education, teaching and learning for social good, examination tools, as well as assessment for learning.  She is leading a faculty’s flagship project on “Artificial Intelligence in/as Medical Education”, and working with educators across disciplines to evaluate the impact of AI in education from the perspectives of education and bioethics.  She is the recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Education Award 2019.