In the News

Centre Advisor Prof. Nancy Jecker Interviewed by KUOW
Should the U.S. enact age limits for elected officials? Retrieved from KUOW.ORG (01 September 2023)
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Centre Advisor Dr. Derrick Au Interviewed by HK01
鄧桂思案|港大教授指公眾利益或為撤控理由 中大專家憂未釋疑慮 Retrieved from HK01.COM (30 August 2023)
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Centre Co-Director Prof. Roger Chung Talked about AI and Health Inequalities on RTHK
AI演算法與健康平等、印度禁出口非印度香米類對全球米價影響 Retrieved from RTHK.HK (12 August 2023)
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Centre Advisor Prof. Nancy Jecker Talked about the Ethics of International Conferencing and Site Selection on UW Medicine Newsroom
Paper addresses ethics of bioethics conference in Qatar Retrieved from NEWSROOM.UW.EDU (10 August 2023)
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Centre Co-Director Prof. Roger Chung Talked about Advance Directive on RTHK
反思預設醫療指示的好處和局限 Retrieved from RTHK.HK (29 July 2023)
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Centre Advisor Prof. Hon-Lam LI Interviewed by RTHK
Rights of critically ill patients / Hong Kong co-hosting the National Games Retrieved from RTHK.HK (12...
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Centre Co-Director Prof. Roger Chung Interviewed by South China Morning Post
Hong Kong’s Terminally Ill Will Have More Say In Medical Treatments And Deaths Under Proposed Amendment...
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All views or opinions expressed in the various interviews belong to the individuals only, and do not represent the views or opinions of the CUHK Centre for Bioethics.