In the News

Centre Co-Director Prof. Roger Chung Interviewed by RTHK
Colorful Journey (繽紛旅程) Retrieved from RTHK.HK (12 April 2023)
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Centre Co-Director Dr. Ann Lau Interviewed by Ming Pao
有病睇ChatGPT? 真假混淆  無法取代醫生 Retrieved from MINGPAO.COM (10 April 2023)
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Centre Advisor Prof. Nancy Jecker Discussed About Brain Implants on HowStuffWorks
Will Brain-computer Interfaces Make Knowledge Streamable? Retrieved from HOWSTUFFWORKS.COM (14 March...
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Centre Advisor Prof. Nancy Jecker Interviewed by KCRW
Defining life and personhood: What science, philosophy, and religion have to say Retrieved from KCRW.COM...
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Centre Advisor Dr. Derrick Au Interviewed by U-Beat Magazine, CUHK
公院醫生被控誤殺   正義之劍或醫護頭上刀? Retrieved from UBEAT.COM.CUHK.EDU.HK (27 February 2023)
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Centre Advisor Dr. Derrick Au Interviewed by Ming Pao
醫療疏忽控刑事 醫專倡訂指引釐清   中大區結成稱難一錘定音 可設醫學法律界對談平台 港醫療向有4層監管   區結成:刑事起訴非「疊層架」概念 Retrieved from MINGPAO.COM (13...
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Centre Advisor Dr. Derrick Au Interviewed by HK01
鄧桂思案|專家指不可忽略醫療系統問題 醫生忙中有錯非辯護理由 Retrieved from HK01.COM (26 January 2023)
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Centre Advisor Prof. Nancy Jecker Interviewed by The Academic Minute
Nancy Jecker, University of Washington School of Medicine – The Ethics of Brain Computer Interfacing Retrieved...
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All views or opinions expressed in the various interviews belong to the individuals only, and do not represent the views or opinions of the CUHK Centre for Bioethics.