Professor Hon-lam LI


Adjunct Professor, CUHK Centre for Bioethics
Distinguished Professor, Department of Medical Humanities, Southeast University

Emeritus Professor, Department of Philosophy, CUHK

Affiliate Professor, Department of Bioethics & Humanities, University of Washington School of Medicine

Hon-Lam Li received his BA from Princeton University, MA from Oxford University, and Ph.D. from Cornell University. He had been a practicing barrister-at-law in Hong Kong before embarking his career as a philosopher.

Hon was an academic visitor at All Souls College, Oxford, a Visiting Fellow at Robinson College, Cambridge, and a Fulbright Senior Visiting Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University. He is a Visiting Fellow at the Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University for the Fall Semester of 2022. His research interests are practical ethics (including bioethics), ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of law.

His publications have appeared in The American Journal of BioethicsPublic Affairs QuarterlyJournal of Medicine and Philosophy, and other international journals. His articles, “Contractualism and the Death Penalty” and “Contractualism and Punishment,” are the fourth and fifth all-time “most read” articles published in Criminal Justice Ethics respectively (as of 2023).  (

Hon’s most recent publication is “The Concept and Conceptions of Personhood: The Fallacy of Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby’s Argument,” The American Journal of Bioethics, 24:1, 43-45, DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2023.2278558. His edited volume, Is Mandatory Retirement Morally Defensible?: Ethics, Economics, and Law in Ageing Societies will be published by Routledge.  

His webpage: