Academic Articles

Measuring health-related social deprivation in small areas: development of an index and examination of its association with cancer mortality.
The mediating role of individual-level social capital among worries, mental health and subjective well-being among adults in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Risk factors associated with bedbug (Cimex spp) infestations among Hong Kong households: a cross-sectional study.
‘This can’t be the new norm’: academicsx’ perspectives on the COVID-19 crisis for the Australian university sector.
A Blended Peer-Assisted Learning Using Video Conference System for Anatomy Education: Students and Facilitators Perspective.
Socioeconomic Patterns of COVID-19 Clusters in Low-Incidence City, Hong Kong.
Are both individual-level and county-level social capital associated with individual health? A serial cross-sectional analysis in China, 2010-2015.
Long Working Hours, Precarious Employment and Anxiety Symptoms Among Working Chinese Population in Hong Kong.
Housing, Sanitation and Living Conditions Affecting SARS-CoV-2 Prevention Interventions in 54 African Countries.
The Age of Academic Integrity in COVID-19: New Normal Changes to the Health Professional Education.
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