
Why is misdiagnosis more likely among some people with rare diseases than others? Insights from a population-based cross-sectional study in China.
Scoping Review: Intergenerational Resource Transfer and Possible Enabling Factors.
Deprivation is associated with anxiety and stress. A population-based longitudinal household survey among Chinese adults in Hong Kong.
Association of time to diagnosis with socioeconomic position and geographical accessibility to healthcare among symptomatic COVID-19 patients: A retrospective study in Hong Kong.
Socioeconomic disadvantages over the life-course and their influence on obesity among older Hong Kong Chinese adults.
Equitable exit strategy is required: lessons learnt from Hong Kong’s current resurgence of local outbreaks among individuals from highly deprived neighbourhoods.
Association of living density with anxiety and stress: A cross-sectional population study in Hong Kong.
“Reading Sass: Outlook of the Post-Pandemic Human Society and Its Re-Making” (閱讀Sass: 展望疫症後人類社會的再造).
Reopening Economies during the COIVD-19 Pandemic: Reasoning about Value Tradeoffs.
Using a Public Health Ethics Framework to Unpick Discrimination in COVID-19 Responses.
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