
Who Stands to Benefit from Genetic Enhancement, and Why Does it Matter?

Dr. Alexandre Erler, American College of Thessaloniki, Greece

Genome Editing for Genetic Enhancement – Are We Ready Yet?

Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Human Dignity and Genetic Enhancement

Dr. Jack Chun, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Genetic Condition Decision-Making and Slippery Slopes

Prof. David Archard, Queen's University, United Kingdom

Age-based Inequalities in Health and Health Care

Age-based Inequalities in Health and Health Care

Prof. Nancy Jecker, Professor, Department of Bioethics & Humanities, University of Washington School of Medicine; Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Washington

Caring for Parents: A Contractualist Approach

Caring for Parents: A Contractualist Approach

Dr. William Sin, Assistant Professor, Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning, Education University of Hong Kong

Global Justice, Poverty and Human Rights

Global Justice, Poverty and Human Rights

Prof. Thomas Pogge, Leitner Professor of Philosophy & International Affairs, Yale University

Clinical Ethics Workshop Series: The Doctor-Patient Relationship

Conflicts of Interest that Muddle the Doctor-Patient Relationship – Ethical & Legal Considerations

Ms. Alexandra Lo, Practicing Lawyer, Adjunct Teacher, CUHK

Trust in the System

Dr. Michael Campbell, Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, CUHK

Insurance Aspects of the Patient-Doctor Interaction

Dr. Detloff Rump, Chief Underwriter, Asia, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Hong Kong Branch

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