
Introductory Lectures on Bioethics: Lecture 10 & 11

Assisted Reproduction

Prof. Bonnie Steinbock, University at Albany (emerita), CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Designer Babies: Choosing Our Children's Genes

Prof. Bonnie Steinbock, University at Albany (emerita), CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Introductory Lectures on Bioethics: Lecture 8 & 9

Experimentation on Human Subjects

Prof. Paul Menzel, Visiting Professor, Centre for Bioethics, CUHK; Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Pacific Lutheran University

Justice and Healthcare Resources

Prof. Paul Menzel, Visiting Professor, Centre for Bioethics, CUHK; Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Pacific Lutheran University

Introductory Lectures on Bioethics: Lecture 6 & 7

Abortion and Moral Status

Prof. Bonnie Steinbock, University at Albany (emerita), CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Prenatal Testing and the Disability Critique

Prof. Bonnie Steinbock, University at Albany (emerita), CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Workshop 2 on Dying Well: End of Life Care, Advance Directives, and Physician-Assisted Death

Meanings of Dying Well: Existential Meaning and Dying Well with Dignity

Dr. Jack Chun, Associate Director, General Education Centre, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong

Reflections on the Development of Advance Directives in Hong Kong

Dr. Chun Yan Tse, Chairman, Clinical Ethics Committee, Hospital Authority of Hong Kong

Has the Case for Excluding Psychiatric Conditions from PAD Been Made?

Prof. Bonnie Steinbock, University at Albany (emerita), CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Introductory Lectures on Bioethics: Forum & Lecture 5

The Ethics of Sale of Human Organs

Prof. Alastair V. Campbell, Professor in Medical Ethics and Director, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore

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