
Sequencing Newborns: A Case for Nuanced Use of Genomic Technologies

Ms. Josephine Johnston, Director of Research; Research Scholar, The Hastings Center

Seminar on "AI in Future Healthcare - Considering the Moral Dimension"

To Err Is Human? Affective Dimensions of AI in the Clinic

Dr. Sarah Chan, Reader in Bioethics, Usher Institute for Population Health Sciences and Informatics; Deputy Director, Mason Institute for Medicine, Life Sciences and the Law; Associate Director, Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society, University of Edinburgh

Responsibility for Healthcare Outcomes in the Age of Medical AI

Prof. Robert Sparrow, Professor of Philosophy, School of Philosophical, Historical & International Studies; Chief Investigator, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science, Monash University

Journal Club on “Ethics and Care Issues in Residential Care Homes for Elderly (RCHE) under COVID-19”

Ethics and Care Issues in Residential Care Homes for Elderly (RCHE) under COVID-19

Dr. Kong Tak-kwan, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, CUHK; Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Ethics & Humanities Unit and Department of Family Medicine & Primary Care, HKU

Workshop on "Ethics and Regulation of Emerging Technologies"

Tempering Hype: Ethics as a 'Critical Friend' of Emerging Technologies

Prof. Ainsley Newson, Associate Professor of Bioethics and Deputy Director, Sydney Health Ethics, Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney

Ethics & Policy of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Prof. Vincent Müller, Department of Innovation Sciences, Technical University of Eindhoven and University Academic Fellow, University of Leeds

Competing and Conflicting Interests in Clinical Innovation

Prof. Wendy Lipworth, Sydney Health Ethics, Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney

Regulation of Human Genome Editing after the He Jian-kui Incident: Some Takeaways from the Two International Summits

Prof. Alexandre Erler, Research Assistant Professor, CUHK Centre for Bioethics and Department of Philosophy, CUHK

Carebots for Eldercare

Prof. Nancy Jecker, Department of Bioethics & Humanities, School of Medicine, University of Washington

In Defence of Regulation: Formulating Health Policy in the Face of Relevant Ethical Considerations

Prof. Angus Dawson, Professor of Bioethics and Director, Sydney Health Bioethics, Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney

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