
Workshop on "Reflections on Germline Genome Editing after the He Jian-kui Incident"

The "He JK Incident": Summary of Facts and Concerns

Dr. Olivia Ngan, Postdoctoral Fellow, CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Ethical Reflections on Germline Genome Editing

Prof. Alastair Campbell, Emeritus Director, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Regulating Germline Genome Editing: Some Key Ideas in the Debate

Dr. Alexandre Erler, Research Assistant Professor, CUHK Centre for Bioethics and Department of Philosophy, CUHK

Workshop on Artificial Intelligence & Digital Healthcare

Developing AI Technology Platform in Hospital Authority

Mr. Kevin Cai, Chief Information Officer, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

What Computers Can and Cannot Do in Healthcare

Prof. Robert Sparrow, Professor, School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, Monash University, Australia

AI for Care and Support of Aging Individuals and Societies: The Issue of Surveillance Technologies

Dr. Carolyn Neuhaus, Research Scholar, The Hastings Centre, United States

Will Artificial Intelligence Augment Patient Safety?

Dr. Derrick Au, Director, CUHK Centre for Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK

Use of AI and Digital Technologies in Supporting Transition of Patients Between Acute and Community Care

Dr. Kendall Ho, Professor, Digital Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, The University of British Columbia, Canada

AI for Rehabilitation Robotics and Diagnostics

Prof. Raymong Tong, Professor and Chairman, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK

The Ethics of Data Set Mining

Ms. Stephanie Holmquist, Lecturer in Bioethics, Columbia University, United States

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