
Medical Dissensus in End-of-life Decisions

Dr. Derrick Au, Director, CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Common or Multiple Futures for End-of-Life Care Around the World?

Dr. Tak-Kwan Kong

Medical Science, Social Welfare, and Individual Lives: Integrating Competing Claims

Medical Science, Social Welfare, and Individual Lives: Integrating Competing Claims

Prof. Jonathan Jacobs, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Institute of Criminal Justice Ethics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Graduate Center

What Can Philosophy and the Practice of Medicine Teach Each Other?

What Can Philosophy and the Practice of Medicine Teach Each Other?

Prof. Jonathan Jacobs, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Institute of Criminal Justice Ethics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Graduate Center

Journal Club: Proxy Decision Making and Respect for Autonomy of the Elder Patient

On Proxy Decision Making, Substituted Judgment, Best Interests and Respect for Autonomy

Dr. Derrick Au, Director, CUHK Centre for Bioethics

Consenting to Your Own Death

Consenting to Your Own Death

Dr. Tom Walker, Senior Lecturer in Ethics; Director, Centre for the Study of Risk and Inequality, Queen's University Belfast, U.K.

Challenges in Respecting the Autonomy of the Old

Challenges in Respecting the Autonomy of the Old

Dr. Tom Walker, Senior Lecturer in Ethics; Director, Centre for the Study of Risk and Inequality, Queen's University Belfast, U.K.

International Workshop on Ageing: Intergenerational Justice and Elderly Care

Justice and the Fair Innings Argument

Dr. Tom Walker, Senior Lecturer in Ethics; Director, Centre for the Study of Risk and Inequality, Queen's University Belfast, U.K.

Ethical Issues of End-Of-Life Care in Hong Kong

Prof. Roger Chung, Assistant Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK

Care of Hong Kong Elders Near End of Life - Why Paradigm Won't Shift

Dr. Derrick Au, Director, CUHK Centre for Bioethics

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