Our Centre Advisor, Dr. Derrick Au, will be one of the panel discussants in the Roundtable on Genetics and A.I. in the 9th Catholic Bioethics Conference on Ethics of A.I. in Clinical Practice 2023 (第九屆天主教生命倫理研討會A.I.醫療 vs 人類醫療-人工智能為人類醫療關顧帶來甚麼危機與機遇?」) organized by Holy Spirit Seminary College of Theology and Philosophy Bioethics Resource Centre and Diocesan Bioethics Committee on 23 September 2023 (Saturday)

Details of the Conference are as follows:

Date: September 23, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre A102, Caritas Institute of Higher Education

Programme Rundown: Please click here

Registration: Please click here