
Book_authored by Roger and Dr Au
Chung RY, Au DKS. "The Future of End-of-Life Care Policy in Hong Kong." In: Fong, B.Y.F., Wong, W.C.W. (eds) Gaps and Actions in Health Improvement from Hong Kong and Beyond: All for Health (pp.333-346). Springer, Singapore. 2023
2023_iss388_eVersion_Cover Page
鍾一諾 (2023年7-8月), 〈基督徒可以怎樣看待安樂死? 〉。《香港基督教循道衛理聯合教會會訊》,388, 10-11。
生命倫理專題:人工生殖科技 (下)
Public Reason and Bioethics
Hon-Lam Li and Michael Campbell, (editors), Public Reason and Bioethics: Three Perspectives, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Ng P, Chung RY, Leung A (Co-Editor). What is Life and Death Education? Hong Kong: Ming Pao Press; 2019.
伍桂麟、鍾一諾、梁梓敦 (合編) 生死教育講呢啲 . 香港:明窗出版社;2019.
End of Life Care_p1
Chung RY and Yeoh EK, “Chapter 3 – Policy Directions for End-of-Life Care in Hong Kong.” Innovation Impact: The Foundation of Community-Based End-of-life Care in Hong Kong ed. by Chan IKN, Fong CHC, Wong EY, Lou VWQ and Chan CLW. Hong Kong: Jocky Club End-of-Life Community Care Project (JCECC); 2019. ISBN: 9789881363657
Casebook_cover Eng
Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project - Casebook on Ethical Decision-Making in End-of-Life Care of Older Adults (developed under the Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project (JCECC) in collaboration with the CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing and the CUHK Centre for Bioethics), 2019